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Both templates and triggers have access to the set of functions.

Trigger example:

name: app-operation-stuck
condition: time.Now().Sub(time.Parse(app.status.operationState.startedAt)).Minutes() >= 5
template: my-template

Template example:

name: my-template
title: Application {{}} sync status is {{.app.status.sync.status}}
body: "Author: {{(call .repo.GetCommitMetadata .app.status.sync.revision).Author}}"


Time related functions.

time.Now() Time

Executes function built-in Golang time.Now function. Returns an instance of Golang Time.

time.Parse(val string) Time

Parses specified string using RFC3339 layout. Returns an instance of Golang Time.


Functions that provide additional information about Application source repository.

repo.RepoURLToHTTPS(url string) string

Transforms given GIT URL into HTTPs format.

repo.FullNameByRepoURL(url string) string

Returns repository URL full name (<owner>/<repoName>). Currently supports only Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket.

repo.GetCommitMetadata(sha string) CommitMetadata

Returns commit metadata. The commit must belong to the application source repository. CommitMetadata fields:

  • Message string commit message
  • Author string - commit author
  • Date time.Time - commit creation date
  • Tags []string - Associated tags