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Slack bot (v0.5)

The Slack bot leverages slash commands. The bot allows slack users to view existing channel subscriptions and subscribe or unsubscribe channels.

  1. Make sure bot component is installed.
  2. Configure slack integration.
  3. In the slack application settings page navigate to the 'Slash Commands' section and click 'Create New Command' button.
  4. Fill in new slack command details image
  5. In the slack application settings page navigate to the 'Basic Information' section and copy 'Signing Secret' from the 'App Credentials' section.
  6. Add signingSecret to the slack configuration in the notifiers.yaml field of the argocd-notification-secret:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: argocd-notifications-secret
  notifiers.yaml: |
      token: <my-token>
      signingSecret: <my-secret>


The bot supports following commands:

  • list-subscriptions - list channel subscriptions
  • subscribe <my-app> <optional-trigger> - subscribes channel to the app notifications
  • subscribe proj:<my-app> <optional-trigger> - subscribes channel to the app project notifications
  • unsubscribe <my-app> <optional-trigger> - unsubscribes channel from the app notifications
  • unsubscribe proj:<my-app> <optional-trigger> - unsubscribes channel from the app project notifications